Are you prepared for the latest disruptor?
Artificial intelligence (AI) is the latest big disruptor. Are you prepared? You had better be, because it is here. No time to think, we need to be doing…
Lee Hopkins and Jo Curkpatrick will set you on the right track when they present on Change, Engagement and Artificial Intelligence at our next event.
Professional communicators stumbled with the arrival of social media back in 2005. What should have been the remit of professional communication teams was taken up by marketing departments, quick to realise social media was a great way to engage target audiences. This left many business communicators largely sidelined.
Let’s not have that happen with artificial intelligence (AI). Let’s be on the front foot and lead!
Why? Well recent reports suggest the introduction of AI brings benefits such as increased productivity, followed by lower costs, and decreased errors. Not forgetting faster speed to market and agility in adapting to business requirements.
There are other reported benefits too, such as smoother operations, increased customer satisfaction, more interesting human work, and improved analytics/business insights.
These words should ring a bell for communicators. Many of the benefits talked about are those we already contribute to, through effective communication and engagement, internal and external.
So shouldn’t we be leading the way now, helping the whole organisation (not just the technical people) on the AI journey and in doing so contributing to meeting our organisation’s business needs?
Jo Curkpatrick
Lee Hopkins
In their session Lee and Jo will talk about leading communication and change, they will discuss the frameworks for the successful introduction of AI and leave you with valuable insights into how you can contribute.
Jo and Lee will discuss why we need to understand AI and Machine Learning, the disruption it is and will continue to bring, understand what data is important and why, and play a strategic adviser role in ensuring the ethical and trusted use of the data. All of the skills that we bring to bear as business communicators—our tactical skills, our strategic thinking, our sense of ethics and ‘what is the right thing to do’—are so important in this new AI-infused business communication landscape.
Come along and you will walk away with your head expanded and a 10-point checklist for busy communicators in an AI world in your hand.
A session like this is priced at over $160 but as a member the session will be provided at $25 with a working lunch included. Access tickets using this link and passcode IABCNSWMEMBER.
Please note as an exclusive workshop approach this is only for current IABC NSW members, members will be asked to provide their current membership number. Places are strictly limited.