We need STEAM not STEM alone

IABC NSW joins advocacy group to fight against discriminatory changes to university fees.

Australian chapters of the IABC have joined the Australian Communications Advocacy Group (ACAG) to support university fee equality.

IABC chapters representing communication professionals in the Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales and Victoria are proud to partner with the Public Relations Institute of Australia (PRIA) and the International Association of Public Participation (IAP2 Australasia), to ensure communication, arts and humanities subjects remain a viable study option for all Australian students.

The Australian Government has proposed reducing the fee contributions for communication and humanities degrees (among others) which would increase their costs to students by up to 113%. This change could result in only those who can afford it undertaking studies in these fields, and may limit the diversity of the next generation of Australia’s communication professionals.

Part of IABC’s purpose is advancing the communication profession, including advocating for ethical practices, and showcasing the value of communication and the positive impact it has on our society. This has never been clearer than during Australia’s bushfire crises and coronavirus pandemic response. Skilled communication professionals have successfully reached people across our nation, from all backgrounds, with key information at the time they need it and in ways they understand.

Vice Chair, IABC global, and fellow Australian communication leader, Danielle Bond SCMP said:

“Many organisations in STEM industries in Australia are actively targeting humanities graduates as they recognise that the complex challenges facing our businesses and communities require diverse thinking. We need STEAM, not STEM alone. Communications and humanities-trained professionals bring much needed critical thinking and creativity to the workplace.”

View the media release on the ACAG website

Three ways you can help

  1. Please take a few minutes to complete our brief survey https://swipengage.com/#/ACAG to help us gather information for our campaign. Your participation will assist the ACAG to present the sector’s thoughts and concerns. Please encourage your comms colleagues and peers to complete the survey.

  2. If you’re in a position to do so we need people who can help with social media, research, lobbying, media, website content, letter writing etc. You can indicate any assistance you can offer through the survey above.

  3. We’re also on the hunt for case studies and stories from communication professionals who are willing to share what they’ve done during the recent bushfires and coronavirus pandemic so we can demonstrate the impact that our profession has on Australian society.

For more information contact us via iabcnswevents@gmail.com


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